Our Services

We take pride in our ability to offer a flexible, individualised service which supports your nutrition goals. We welcome referrals for people seeking support with any aspect of their nutrition and support people of all ages, including children and families. 



Goals that we provide support with may include:

Medical nutrition therapy for pressure injuries, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal conditions, high blood pressure, liver disease, constipation, food intolerance or allergy, osteoporosis, polycystic ovary syndrome

Diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition including accessing oral nutrition supplements if required

Management of enteral nutrition including feeding plans, tube care and ordering of supplies

Management of dysphagia requiring modified texture food and/or fluids

Learning about nutrition for general wellbeing

Learning to read labels and shop for groceries

Creating a positive eating environment for your family

Learning to make tasty and nutritious meals

Understanding your body cues for hunger and fullness

Enjoying a wide variety of foods

Building a positive relationship with food

Working towards having positive body image

Developing a menu or meal plan that meets your needs

Training of support workers and/or family members

Understanding and managing food related behaviours of concern

Identifying food allergies or intolerances

Introducing first foods and working through fussy or picky eating

Flexible Support

We take pride in our ability to offer a flexible, individualised service which supports you to achieve your nutrition goals.

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Our Clinic

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Your Home

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A family member, support worker or friend is welcome to attend your appointment.

Price List

Our services can be accessed through a variety of funding options depending on your individual circumstances. Please note that we are a fee paying service and only offer limited bulk billing options.

All initial appointments are 60 minutes unless otherwise requested. Review appointment times will vary dependent on your needs. This will be discussed at your initial appointment to ensure you are comfortable with your ongoing plan and the cost involved.

You may be eligible to access a Medicare rebate if you have a chronic health condition that is being managed by your GP through a Chronic Disease Management Plan that includes a Dietitian referral. You may be eligible for up to 5 rebated sessions in a calendar year with this referral.

You may also be eligible to access a Medicare rebate if you have an Eating Disorder management plan from your GP or Psychiatrist that includes a Dietitian referral.  You may be eligible for up to 20 rebated sessions in a calendar year with this referral. 

If you are accessing a Medicare rebate, you will still be required to pay the gap which is the difference between the cost of your Dietitian appointment and the Medicare rebate value.

Initial Appointment (90-minute time allocation)

·        60-minutes face to face appointment

·        30-minutes indirect time including preparation, documentation and follow up

·        Full Fee: $190

·        Concession Fee: $150

·        Medicare Rebate: $58.30 / Gap: $131.70

Review Appointment (60 minutes)

·        Full Fee: $175

·        Concession Fee: $125

·        Medicare Rebate: $58.30 / Gap: $116.70

Review Appointment (45 minutes)

·        Full Fee: $140

·        Concession Fee: $90

·        Medicare Rebate: $58.30 / Gap: $81.70

Review Appointment (30 minutes)

·        Full Fee: $105

·        Concession Fee: $60 OR Bulk Billed w Medicare Referral

·        Medicare Rebate: $58.30 / Gap: $46.70

If you are an NDIS participant, you may be able to access fully funded Dietitian support. This will depend on your NDIS goals and your current plan. Depending on your situation, Dietitian services may be funded under Capacity Building or Core Supports. If you are unsure, you can talk to your Plan Manager or Support Coordinator. You can also contact us and we will be happy to help assess your current plan, or advocate for inclusion of Dietitian support in your next plan.

Cost: $193.99 per hour (subject to NDIS Pricing Arrangements)

Most Private Health Insurance companies offer a rebate for Dietitian services as part of their Extras package, however this will depend on your insurance provider and your level of cover. You will need to speak to your insurance provider directly or review your policy to confirm the rebate you are able to access. We will provide you with an invoice that allows you to make this claim if you are eligible.

Initial Appointment (90-minute time allocation)

·         60-minutes face to face appointment

·         30-minutes indirect time including preparation, documentation and follow up

·         Full Fee: $190

·         Concession Fee: $150

Review Appointment (60 minutes)

·         Full Fee: $175

·         Concession Fee: $125

Review Appointment (45 minutes)

·         Full Fee: $140

·         Concession Fee: $90

Review Appointment (30 minutes)

·         Full Fee: $105

·         Concession Fee: $60 OR Bulk Billed w Medicare Referral

If you are an LSA participant, you may be able to access fully funded Dietitian support. This will depend on your goals and you should discuss this with your LSA service planner first. You can also contact us and we will be happy to help assess your situation and advocate for Dietitian support as appropriate.

Cost: $175 per hour

You may be able to receive a funding rebate for dietetic services if you have a Veteran Gold Card, or a Veteran White Card with an accepted service-related condition. If you are eligible, you may be able to access up to 12 sessions in a calendar year.


To be eligible for a DVA rebate, you need a referral from your GP or medical specialist.

We offer decreased rates for eligible clients with a health care or pension card, who are accessing our services privately or with a Medicare management plan provided by a GP. Please review the pricing above. 

Please note this does not apply to people accessing our services via NDIS, LSA or DVA as they have separate funding guidelines as outlined above. 


If you are an NDIS or LSA participant and you require a quote before accessing our service, please contact us via phone or email and we will be happy to provide this in line with your individual circumstances.

Information for Clients

A cancellation fee of $40 applies for appointments cancelled within 48 hours. 


Full payment is required for cancellations with less than 12 hours’ notice or non-attendance. 


For home visits, travel is not charged for cancellations, unless the practitioner attends the home and the client is not present.



Pod Dietetics is committed to ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of all personal/health information of our clients. We adhere to the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) and this policy is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles within the Privacy Act 1988. The purpose of this Privacy Policy to outline the ongoing obligations of Pod Dietetics in respect to how we manage personal and health related information and data.


Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By providing personal information, you consent to us collecting, holding, using and disclosing your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You do not have to provide personal information to us, however, if you do not, it may affect your use of the services we offer.





This policy statement covers the following:


  • What type of information we collect.
  • Why and how we collect information.
  • How we use information.
  • How we protect information.
  • Clients accessing their personal information.
  • How to manage complaints and breaches.

What type of information we collect


The type of information we collect to assist our team in working with clients may include:


  • Personal information, e.g. name, address, date of birth, gender.
  • Health history, ethnic background or current lifestyle.
  • Occupation, employer’s details, interests, payment details, financial information.
  • Information about how and where clients were referred to us.
  • Health information including medical results, clinical and medical records.
  • Medicare number (where available) for identification and claiming purposes
  • Family medical history and their details.
  • Other medical service providers’ commentary, diagnosis and test results.


Why we collect personal information

We collect personal information when it is reasonable and necessary to conduct the services we offer. 


How we collect information

There are a few different ways Pod Dietetics collects patient information. Most information is collected directly from clients via: 

  • Information from a referral form
  • Over the phone (including video calls)
  • From a direct referral from another provider

Pod Dietetics may also collect personal information throughout our relationship with clients. For example, we may collect personal information: 

  • When a client pays their bill or makes an appointment
  • During a consultation
  • When completing a form


How we use information

Pod Dietetics may use client information within a wider group of professional service providers that may include: 

  • Pod Dietetics employees and contractors.
  • Medical Practitioners.
  • Allied Health Professionals.
  • Other third parties such as NDIA, Medicare, DVA, LSA, private health insurers, and if necessary, Collection Agencies.
  • Other parties reasonably expected to be included in the treatment of any client.

When our service involves other parties, such as doctors or other allied health professionals, we will only provide them with the information they need to provide and manage their relationship with the client.


To support the maintenance of high-quality client care, all Pod Dietetics staff undertake regular professional supervision. This may include case discussion where staff discuss client care and seek advice as to how best to provide support. If your care is discussed within professional supervision, all identifying information is removed and the case is anonymous.  


How we share client information

There may be times when Pod Dietetics needs to share client information to other health providers such as GPs and Specialists. These companies are subject to strict controls that protect patient information from unauthorised use or disclosure and limits their access to personal information to the extent necessary to do their job. 

Pod Dietetics is committed to safeguarding the information provided to us. We have in place suitable and reasonable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure information and protect it from misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. 


Legal obligations and other privacy exceptions

Pod Dietetics gives access to personal information where we are permitted or obliged to do so by Australian law. For example, in some circumstances we will use or disclose personal information to react to unlawful activity, serious misconduct, or to reduce or prevent a serious threat to life, health or safety. 



Pod Dietetics will only disclose personal information to others if given express permission, or if the disclosure relates to the main reason, we collected the information and the client would reasonably expect us to do so. 



We may use personal information from clients to send marketing and special offers which are targeted towards relevant interests, characteristics or location. This marketing could be distributed to clients via email, text, or online. 

All marketing emails, texts and letters distributed by Pod Dietetics will clearly identify how recipients can opt out from receiving marketing promotions and advertising. 


How we store and protect client information

Client information is stored within our database which is securely protected to ensure client information remains confidential. Firewalls and access logging tools are put in place to protect against unauthorised access to client data and our network. We protect client information by ensuring:

  • Secure work environments and workflow systems that prevent unauthorised access and copying of your personal information.
  • Management of access privileges, to ensure that only authorised personnel can access personal information.
  • Ongoing training and security reviews


Clients accessing their personal information

A client may request access to their personal information. The identity of the client will always be confirmed prior to the provision of personal information. Under Australian privacy laws there are situations where we may not give access to the requested personal information. For example, information cannot be revealed if it would unreasonably affect someone else’s privacy or if it poses a serious threat to someone’s life, health or safety. 

A request from a client to access their personal information should be directed to Pod Dietetics via phone or email.


Quality of personal information

Pod Dietetics aims to keep personal client information accurate, up-to-date and complete. If there is information which needs to be updated or changed, clients are encouraged to contact us by phone or email.  


Complaints and breaches

For any complaints about Pod Dietetics’ dealings with personal information, including any breaches of any Australian Privacy Principles, or for any questions regarding this privacy statement, the client is able to contact us via phone or email. 


Download our Policies

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Cancellation Policy

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Privacy Policy

Click here to download

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Clinic Locations:

415 Magill Rd, St Morris, 5068

135 Daws Rd, St Marys, 5042

1-2/58 Cliff Ave, Pt Noarlunga South 5167

Phone: (08) 7095 6161

Email: admin@poddietetics.com.au

Fax: (08) 7095 6169